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Video Editing with Motion Graphics Batch-04

70% ছাড়ে ভর্তি চলছে...

Admission Last Date : 19-08-2024

Price: 9000 tk

This course includes:
0 hr
0 lectures
0 Exam
0 live class
ভর্তির সময় শেষ

Video Editing with Motion Graphics Batch-04

  • Overview
  • Instructor
  • Routine



Video Editing with Motion Graphics Batch

Advanced Premiere Pro Video Editing Course Module

Class 1:

Interface Introduction and Basic Editing Techniques

  • Overview of Premiere Pro interface
  • Customizing workspaces
  • Introduction to Project, Source, and Timeline Panels
  • Basic trimming and cutting techniques

Class 2:

 Advanced Trimming and Cutting Techniques

  • Ripple, roll, slip, and slide edits
  • Using the Trim Monitor
  • Fine-tuning edits for precision
  • Advanced timeline editing techniques

Class 3:

Effects Panel, Transitions, and Export Techniques

  • Introduction to the Effects panel
  • Applying video transitions
  • Creating and using custom video transitions
  • Nesting sequences
  • Linking, grouping, and ungrouping clips
  • Export techniques
    • Custom export presets
    • Optimizing export settings for different platforms
    • Understanding different codecs and formats




Class 4:

Essential Graphics and Basic Animation (Part 1)

  • Introduction to the Essential Graphics panel
  • Creating and customizing graphics
  • Basic animation techniques
  • Working with motion graphics templates

Class 5:

Essential Graphics and Basic Animation (Part 2)

  • Advanced masking techniques
  • Exporting videos in various formats
  • Text masking
  • Alpha adjusts masking

Class 6:

 Sound and Audio

  • Advanced audio editing and mixing
  • Working with audio keyframes
  • Using audio effects and EQ
  • Synchronizing audio with video

Class 7:

 Color Grading and LUTs (Part 1)

  • Introduction to color grading
  • Using the Lamberti Color panel
  • Primary and secondary color correction

Class 8:

 Color Grading and LUTs (Part 2)

  • Applying and customizing LUTs
  • Creating custom LUTs
  • Advanced color grading workflows


Class 9:

Green Screen and Chroma Keying

  • Advanced chroma keying techniques
  • Refining edges and spill suppression
  • Using mattes and masks for green screen effects

Advanced Animation Techniques (Part 1)

  • Keyframing and the Effect Controls panel
  • Advanced animation techniques
  • Working with temporal and spatial interpolation

Class 10:

Advanced Animation Techniques (Part 2)

  • Advanced motion graphics
  • Creating complex animations
  • Using expressions for animation control

Advanced Effects Techniques (Part 1)

  • Using masks and tracking for effects
  • Custom transitions and compositing techniques
  • Advanced use of the Effects panel

Class 11:

Advanced Effects Techniques (Part 2)

  • Integration with After Effects
  • Using Dynamic Link for seamless workflows
  • Advanced compositing and effects techniques

Class 12:

Advanced Techniques (Part 3)

  • Using proxies for performance optimization
  • Editing multi-camera sequences
  • Advanced multi-cam editing techniques


Class 13:

 Bonus Section

  • Advanced tips and tricks for efficiency
  • Troubleshooting common issues
  • Optimizing system performance for editing


Module 1: Basics of After Effects (1 Class)

Class 1:

Basics of After Effects

  • What is After Effects?
    • Introduction to Adobe After Effects and its uses in motion graphics and VFX.
  • Interface Introduction
    • Overview of the interface, including panels, tools, and workspaces.
  • Layers & The Timeline
    • Understanding layers, the timeline, and layer properties.
    • Trimming layers: Right side Alt+], Left side Alt+[
    • Splitting layers: Shift+Ctrl+D
    • Zooming in and out: + and -
    • Setting work area: Start B, End N
    • Duplicating layers: Ctrl + D
  • Principles of Animation
    • Introduction to basic animation principles.
    • Key properties: Position P, Rotation R, Opacity T, Scale S
    • Revealing all keyframes: U

Module 2: Core Animation Techniques (4 Classes)

Class 2:

 Keyframes and Basic Tools

  • Keyframes
    • Setting and adjusting keyframes.
  • Keyframe Assistant
    • Using Keyframe Assistant for easing and time remapping.
  • Graph Editor
    • Introduction to the Graph Editor for refining animations.
  • Speed Graph
    • Understanding and using the Speed Graph.
  • Creating Shapes
    • Creating and animating shape layers.
  • Fill & Stroke
    • Working with fill and stroke properties.
  • Composition & Precomps
    • Creating and using compositions and precompositions.
  • Pen Tool
    • Using the Pen Tool for custom shapes and paths.
  • Text & Type on Path
    • Animating text and type on a path.
  • Object Movement Along Path
    • Creating object movement along a custom path.

Class 3:

Editing and Exporting

  • Editing Keyframes
    • Advanced keyframe editing techniques.
  • Alignment, Character, Drop Shadow, Gaussian Blur
    • Using alignment tools and character settings.
    • Applying effects like drop shadow and Gaussian blur.
  • Mister Horse Plugin
    • Introduction to the Mister Horse plugin for additional effects and presets.
  • File Save & Export (Including Transparent Export)
    • Best practices for saving and exporting projects.
    • Exporting with transparency.

Class 4:

Advanced Keyframe Techniques

  • Linear, Bezier, Hold, Toggle
    • Different types of keyframes and their applications.
  • Keyframe Velocity
    • Adjusting keyframe velocity for smoother animations.
  • Keyframe Interpolation
    • Understanding and using keyframe interpolation techniques.
  • Delaying Keyframes
    • Techniques for delaying keyframes for staggered animations.
  • Rove Across Time
    • Using the Rove Across Time feature for continuous motion.

Class 5:

Advanced Masking Techniques

  • All Masking Techniques
    • Advanced masking techniques and their applications.

Module 3: Advanced Animation and Effects (5 Classes)

Class 6:

Advanced Graph Editor Techniques

  • Understanding the Graph Editor in Depth
    • Advanced usage of the Graph Editor.
  • Editing Motion Paths
    • Fine-tuning motion paths for complex animations.
  • Fine-Tuning Animations
    • Techniques for refining animations for smoother results.




Class 7:

Parenting, Pre-Composing, and Nesting Compositions

  • Using Parenting to Create Complex Animations
    • Advanced parenting techniques for complex animations.
  • Pre-composing Layers for Better Organization
    • Best practices for using precompositions.
  • Working with Nested Compositions
    • Techniques for nesting compositions effectively.

Class 8:

Expressions and Automation

  • Introduction to Expressions
    • Basics of expressions and their uses.
  • Basic Expression Syntax
    • Writing and using basic expressions.
  • Automating Animations with Expressions
    • Techniques for automating animations using expressions.

Class 9:

 Applying Effects and Presets

  • Applying and Adjusting Effects
    • Advanced effect application techniques.
  • Using Effect Presets
    • Customizing and using effect presets.
  • Creating Custom Effects
    • Techniques for creating custom effects.

Class 10:

Color Correction and Keying

  • Advanced Color Correction Tools
    • Using advanced color correction tools.
  • Using Lumetri Color
    • Techniques for professional color grading.
  • Advanced Chroma Keying Techniques with Keylight
    • Techniques for advanced chroma keying using Keylight.

Module 4: 3D Animation and Integration (4 Classes)

Class 11:

 Introduction to 3D Layers and Camera Animation

  • Enabling 3D Layers
    • Basics of 3D layers and transformations.
  • Understanding 3D Space
    • Navigating and understanding 3D space.
  • Adding and Animating Cameras
    • Techniques for adding and animating cameras.

Class 12:

 Advanced 3D Techniques with Lights

  • Using Lights to Enhance Scenes
    • Techniques for using lights in 3D scenes.
  • Depth of Field and Shadows
    • Creating depth of field and realistic shadows.
  • Integrating 3D Elements from Other Software
    • Techniques for integrating 3D elements from external software.

Class 13:

3D Integration with Cinema 4D Lite

  • Basics of Importing and Animating 3D Elements
    • Importing and animating 3D elements from Cinema 4D Lite.
  • Advanced 3D Integration Techniques
    • Techniques for advanced 3D integration.
  • Practical Applications of Cinema 4D Lite in Motion Graphics
    • Using Cinema 4D Lite for motion graphics projects.


Class 14:

Advanced Camera Techniques

  • Using Advanced Camera Rigs
    • Creating and using advanced camera rigs.
  • Multi-Camera Setups
    • Techniques for multi-camera setups.
  • Creating Complex Camera Movements
    • Techniques for creating complex camera movements.

Module 5: Visual Effects and Compositing (4 Classes)

Class 15:

Advanced Visual Effects Techniques

  • Using Particle Systems for Realistic Effects
    • Creating and using particle systems.
  • Creating Smoke, Fire, and Explosions
    • Techniques for creating realistic smoke, fire, and explosions.
  • Combining Multiple VFX Elements
    • Techniques for combining multiple VFX elements.

Class 16:

 Motion Tracking and Stabilization

  • Advanced Motion Tracking Techniques
    • Techniques for advanced motion tracking.
  • Stabilizing Shaky Footage
    • Techniques for stabilizing shaky footage.
  • Integrating Tracked Elements Seamlessly
    • Techniques for seamless integration of tracked elements.
  • Mocha AE Techniques
    • Using Mocha AE for planar tracking.
    • Advanced Mocha AE techniques and applications.


Class 17:

Advanced Rotoscoping and Masking

  • Advanced Rotoscoping Techniques
    • Techniques for advanced rotoscoping.
  • Using the Roto Brush Tool Effectively
    • Best practices for using the Roto Brush tool.
  • Complex Masking and Edge Refinement
    • Techniques for complex masking and edge refinement.

Class 17:

Working with Advanced Effects

  • Using Particular, Element 3D, and Saber Plugins
    • Techniques for using advanced effects plugins like Particular, Element 3D, and Saber.
  • Creating Complex Visual Effects
    • Techniques for creating complex visual effects.
  • Advanced Effects Combinations
    • Combining multiple advanced effects.

Class 18:

Map Animation

  • Creating and Animating Maps
    • Techniques for creating and animating maps in After Effects.
  • Using Shape Layers and Masks for Map Animations
    • Advanced techniques for using shape layers and masks in map animations.
  • Integrating Map Animations with Other Motion Graphics
    • Techniques for integrating map animations seamlessly with other motion graphics elements.

Class 19:

Advanced Rendering and Exporting Techniques

  • Optimizing Render Settings for Quality and Speed
    • Techniques for optimizing render settings.
  • Using Adobe Media Encoder for Complex Exports
    • Using Adobe Media Encoder for complex exports.
  • Choosing the Right Format and Codec
    • Techniques for choosing the right format and codec.


Module: Market Place & Job Market (3 Classes)

Class 1: Local Job Market Guideline

Class2: Remote Job Guideline

Class3: Freelance Market-Place


About the instructors

Course Routine

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70% ছাড়ে ভর্তি চলছে...

Admission Last Date : 19-08-2024

Price: 9000 tk

This course includes:
0 hr
0 lectures
0 Exam
0 live class
ভর্তির সময় শেষ